The Red Thistle Dancers Memory Book
Strathspey Through The Years
Pick a year to view programs, photos, cast & crew lists, videos and other ephemera - or use the menu below for other items of interest. Note: some years and collections are sparse. If you have items, please contact us to help fill out this online album.
This site is undergoing restructuring - thank you for your patience.

Red Thistle Dancers at the Highland Games in Santa Rosa 1986. Left to right- Barry Lewis, Ann Lawson, Ellen Aaron, Alan Twhigg, Kay Thorne, Lyle Ramshaw, Rosemary Thorne, Kevin Lesko and Bradley Baxter (seated)

Red Thistle Dancers at the Highland Games in Santa Rosa 1986. Left to right- Barry Lewis, Ann Lawson, Ellen Aaron, Alan Twhigg, Kay Thorne, Lyle Ramshaw, Rosemary Thorne, Kevin Lesko and Bradley Baxter (seated)
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All materials have been collected for the enjoyment of The Red Thistle Dancers. Please inquire before copying or using anything on this site.
For any questions or problems with access please contact info@redthistledancers.org .
This site has been compiled for the enjoyment of The Red Thistle Dancers and their family and friends. Enjoy the site!