What a fabulous day to be out there, with peacocks in full Spring mode flaunting their fans, blossom on the trees and perfect weather - perhaps a little too warm for the afternoon show, but lovely nonetheless. Both shows were very good and had good audiences, some of whom stayed the whole time. The platform does make it difficult to hold onto things like the diagonal lines in New Scotia, but on the whole the covering was good, the sets well placed onstage and did not suffer from too much drift, and above all you looked happy and conveyed a sense of fun and enjoyment. Just what is needed! The music today was terrific and the sound system did it justice, which was also true for the part of the early performance I caught, where even the harp sounded crystal clear, though outdoors. The costumes looked fresh, neat and appropriate so compliments to all of you. Special kudos to Kevin and Dave who had a heavy work load but made it all look easy. The Highland dances were all well performed and looked nice in the costumes we chose. Thanks to Kamrin for all her hard work and interesting choreography. Don’t forget to check your calendars and let me know about Pleasanton. Thanks and congratulations to everyone. Jennifer
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The Red Thistle Dancers Memory Book
Strathspey Through The Years
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