Despite some problems with reaching Half Moon Bay, due to sunny Saturday traffic, everyone made it in time for the start and it was a pleasant relaxed performance. Both dancers and audience (tho small) appeared to enjoy the event. The director of this new senior center has a few things to learn about publicity and marketing and was very embarassed by the small turn out. The amount of good food prepared for afterwards indicated that they had higher, expectations, but meant that Red Thistle did quite nicely, before going on to Don & Lin’s for more very tasty snacks and drinks - all much appreciated. The floor was hard but perfectly smooth, stable and clean, so a short performance on it was not too stressful, but anything longer would require our new floor. Calli was our lone live musican but enchanted everyone with some lovely harp pieces and played for one dance. The accoustics and sound system were good and enabled everyone to appreciate her playing and the pure tones of the harp. Thanks to John for bringing, and setting up the sound system and running it without a hitch for the entire program. Let us see this successful event as a good omen for tomorrow! Thank you dancers. Jennifer
