Sincere congratulations to everyone involved. The whole show was a pleasure to watch and listen to. All the dancers did indeed appear to be in party mood, good socializing, happy smiles, good energy! Yeah!! Chroreographicalyl the program had good balance; lively dances alternating with quieter ones, larger groups with smaller, configurations never repeated. The costumes looked lovely and very correct, the lighting was OK and more even than in previous years, as was the sound balance. We have not quite got the Victorian posture right yet, but its wasn’t bad. Entrances and exits were acceptable but we did run one minute late, which is a NO NO. The leader of the group following us and John agreed upon the Waltz to smooth things over and get her group going. Commiserations to Bradley, who was really looking forward to this event. We did miss you Bradley. Kudos to those who stepped up to take his place, quite seamlessly. Congratulations to Denise and Stephen on a very successful first Dickens Fair show. All the effort that went into pulling together Corn Riggs and The Old Course medley were repaid in spades. They are both good choices for that space and event and will be even better next year. Thanks to all of you for your hard work. Enjoy the festive season and come back fit and ready to move on in January . Jennifer
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The Red Thistle Dancers Memory Book
Strathspey Through The Years
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