Many thanks and well done to the dancers who trekked over the Summit to Reno this past weekend!
We survived rain, snow, sleet and hail on our drives in both directions!
Many thanks to all of us for being flexible and maintaining positive spirits and energy!
Our performances went very well on Saturday. I can find no fault with any of our dancing – maybe because I was in the set about half the time!
The Country Dance set did well with phrasing and covering AND we agree that all of us were smiling and appeared to be having a good time!
The Step Dances went very well too! Thanks to the Highland ladies who braved the altitude to dance two numbers in a row! All of us Lowlanders were definitely feeling the altitude!
The audience was small but VERY knowledgeable for our first performance and much bigger for our second performance. We were well received on both occasions.
The event has changed venues since I last attended. The venue is very nice and the stage is one of the best I’ve ever performed on.
We were treated very nicely by the organizers. We had a great time socializing with the Reno group and the Dunsmuir group. There was a huge sense of community the entire day. After the celebration the three groups met up at Dave Wilson’s for refreshments. It was a great time to meet and socialize and relax.
MANY thanks to Susan, Lyle and Michael for playing and recording the music we danced to. Many thanks to Michael for transferring it to an iPod for us to connect to the sound system. All worked and sounded great!
I hope that Thistles is open to attending the Celebration again next year. The organizers loved having us!
Work hard for Lin and Alan on Thursday. We have the video coming up.
See you next week.