Wonderful! Congratulations to everyone on two fine performances to-day. It is so pleasing to see the whole group looking so elegant and festive in the Victorian costumes (kudos once more to Marilyn’s skills and hard work) it seems to really help get the party spirit going, and perhaps makes a good start to the Christmas season. The dancing was really well done, good covering and use of space -apart from the the circle contracting after Scottish Spirit and finishing too far downstage, so that tthere was a lot of space close to the audience, whilst those at the back were crowded and not in the best lighting. The placement of the sets was good and they held positon for the most part. There was a good deal of animation, smiles, eye contact and a sense you really were enjoying yourselves. As ever our super talented musicians were right on top of everything, including tempos and their arrangements are always delight. Stephen learned that the atmosphere in the Cow Palace is not kind to many instruments but despite the misbehaving pipes was a great asset to our performances. It really is great to have a piper amonst us again, so don’t fret Stephen!. The Highland dances were well danced, varied and the choreography came off well on the larger stage. I was very sorry to have to drop the Crook as I particularly like that version, but it really is best to end with something very lively with a lot of dancers on the floor. I apologize especially to Samantha and Kamrin,who were deprived of one of their few dances. It would be lovely to be able to do that version of the Crook at the Sequoias, if a few more dancers were available. Thanks again to Michael Suckow, Jamie, Geoffrey and Dave G. for stepping in to fill Bradley ’s shoes. I hope to see many of you at the Carol singing tomorrow, and/or the Hoigmanay party. I am still lacking one man to dance the Mystery Strathspey, just once through as a demo of how it goes. If anyone can help please let me know asap. To those of you traveling over the holidays, bon voyage and a safe return. We meet next on January 5th. ready to immerse ourselves in the Sequoia’s program. Cheers! Jennifer
I'd like to add my thanks and congratulations to the group for yesterday's performances. You were all awesome! Although it would've been nice to do the Crook at Fezziwig's, it was good to end with a larger group on the stage. I'd like to use that Crook choreography for the April concert--hope it works out!! Thanks to the wonderful RT "band," and special thanks to Stephen for piping. The pipes really add to the performances. Tough decisions--have you dance or play (a good problem to have)!! Have a wonderful holiday season! See you all on 5 January, ready to work on the Sequoias program and start looking at options for the concert. CONGRATS to everyone, especially "my" Highland dancers!! :-) Thanks much, Kamrin