Dear Jennifer and Dancers,
The Red Thistle performance at the Monterey Games today went very well.
All the dancers worked hard during the walk-throughs and actual performance.
Each of the country dance medleys went well, including the Vanessa medley! The country dancers managed very well with the small stage, particularly when there were two sets. The dancers displayed good energy and good interaction with each other and the audience.
Each of the highland dance numbers went very well. The highland dancers demonstrated good strength, energy and precision with each of their numbers. I was particularly pleased with the performance of all seven highland dancers dancing Duncan McGillivary for the first time! Well done!
The musical recording was excellent! We managed very well with recorded music today although we always prefer to have our musicians present to play. Many thanks to Susan, Lyle, and Michael, and John and Paula and all others who helped to create the recording. Many thanks to Kevin and Fred for managing the music during the performance.
Congratulations to Jamie for his fine job as announcer today. Jamie did a very good job maintaining a good pace and energy for our performance.
Red Thistles shone today! I heard many positive comments from audience members, several of whom are country dancers. We all have reason to be proud. Good job, everyone!
Rachel and Alan did a masterful job leading audience participation dancing after our performance. We had sufficient time to dance several dances, and the stage was full with audience members. Well done to Rachel and Alan!