Dear Dancers,
Today’s performance and adjudication went well! I am very pleased with how the team performed for both events.
In today’s performance, everyone stepped up and delivered!
The dancers did well!
Phrasing and covering were good. Partnering and teamwork were good!
The musicians were awesome in providing music that inspires us to do our best!
Our technical performance went very well. We all can do better with smiling and acknowledging each other in the dance and engaging the audience better! We will definitely working on that in the future!
Today’s adjudication performance had a slight mishap – BUT I am VERY proud of us dancers and the musicians for minimizing the disruption and moving on to continue the performance and finishing strong!!! That’s what teamwork and performance dancing is all about! The show must go on regardless!
The adjudicators complimented us on many points, and they also gave us a couple points to work on.
Smiling and engaging the audience – we are, after all, performance dancers!
Deeper knee bend and stronger surge in our strathspey steps.
Relaxed hands in our quick-time steps.
I had good feedback from many people about our performance and our adjudication! Kudos to you all!
Thank you for your hard work! I am VERY proud!
Please come to class on Thursday, September 6th. We will be dancing some new dances.
There is NO class on Thursday, September 13th. They are re-finishing the floors.
Thank you!
From Kamrin MacKnight -
HI! I would like to add my thanks to the overall team (dancers and musicians) for such a nice performance yesterday. I thought that the country medleys were done very well and I'm very proud of our Highland/step team. Some dancers had to go "above and beyond," with back-to-back-to-back dances and managed to keep everything straight! Thank you so much! You all should be very proud! See you on Thursday!
I know it's a bit late, but I also wanted to thank everyone for coming to the lunch and helping last weekend. I really appreciated all of the help!! I hate to mention specific names because I know I'll inadvertently miss someone and there were a…
From Jennifer Kelly: Many thanks to Fred, and all the dancers and musicians who worked hard to produce an excellent show on Saturday. Being a spectator was a whole new experience, but made very special by all the kind tributes paid to me during the show, orally, by Lin, tacitly by Fred, in choosing so many of my dances and physically by the sets who danced them so well. I felt very much included and part of the group.You all looked lovely and so much less stressed than in the heat of 2017! Edward Walter was a complete and lovely surprise. I had truly forgotten all about it. The choreography for 4 dancers worked very well, congratulations.
The adjudication set…